petak, 22. siječnja 2016.

Hram Boginje Žive na otoku jezera Bled

Arheološka izkopavanja pod temelji najstarejše zgodnjesrednjeveške cerkve so odkrila obrise lesene pravokotne stavbe, ki bi po izsledkih izkopavanj lahko segala še v čas zgodnjega srednjega veka [4]. Zaradi kronološke umestitve stavbe arheološka znanost odpira možnost, da bi na otoku lahko pred tem nekoč stalo tudi starejše predkrščansko svetišče. Ob materialnih najdbah so arheologi na otoku našli tudi zgodnjesrednjeveško grobišče, ki sega v 9 stoletje, s 124 skeletnimi pokopi

Kočija Matizemlje iz groba u Strettweg, Austrija

Kočija Matizemlje
Brončani vagon datira 600 pr,.k., nađen aje u kneževom grobu Halštske kulture u Strettweg, Austrija.


Vesnik - Bog proleća, Vesnin muž

In Slovenian mythology, Vesna was  a goddess-like figure who represented Spring as well as joy and youth.  In her honor, the people sang songs and held various rituals.  Vesna is also celebrated in Serbian, Croatian, and Russian mythology.  The beautiful Vesna lived on the mountain top in a palace but could not leave  except during the month of February, which is called Vesna in Old Slovenian. When she did come down the mountain she sang songs but only special people could hear her. Vesna’s companion is Vesnik.  Rituals to Vesna in Slovenia existed even after WWII. Vesna was a very popular female name during the 20th century. We celebrated the coming of the Spring Equinox and Vesna on March 20, 2014.  On the day of the equinox, night and day are around the same length of time – 12 hours – all over the world.